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Welcome brothers, alumni, family, friends, and prospective new members to the website of the California Epsilon (CAE) chapter of Phi Delta Theta. My name is Mark Lemm and was a founding father of the California Lambda chapter at Pacific in Stockton not far from here in 1986 and am honored to serve as the Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) Chairman for the California Epsilon chapter. The CAB was established by the General Council of the Fraternity to replace the single chapter advisor model that had been in place for many decades with a group of alumni working as a team to advise and assist the active membership in managing the different aspects of the chapter. Working as a team the CAB's highest priority is toenable the active brothers in the chapter to achieve the guiding principle of Phi Delta Theta's which is to "Become the greatest version of yourself". We achieve this by imparting the knowledge and skills we have gained as a result of our fraternity and life experiences to help each active member capitalize on their potential for the benefit of the entire chapter. CAE has a long and rich tradition at UC Davis with a dedicated and supportive alumni brotherhood. It's approaching its 1,000 initiated member (bond number) and has started a new era with the rebuilding of the chapter house not long ago. It's one of the top Greek organizations at UC Davis and has a bright future ahead. The skills you learn as a member of Phi Delta Theta can be utilized throughout your life. If you're interested in learning more about what Phi Delta Theta has to offer I encourage you to reach out to an active member. Thank you for taking the time to visit our chapter's website we hope you will stop by for a visit some time to see for yourself what makes Phi Delta Theta so special at UC Davis. Fraternally, Mark Lemm - Chapter Advisory Board Chairman CA Epsilon Chapter UC Davis